Monday, September 14, 2009

Labor Day and So on...

Hello all. I hope this blog finds everyone having a great Monday (Sept. 14th). This is my first update on our SHERARD blog.
I wanted to just catch everyone up since we were in Clemson (the glorious, glorious city & school).
We came back on Thursday and cleaned up as quick as we could because we had COMPANY coming! My buddy Patrick who is in the US Army and Jason & Lindsey Schubert (new residents to the metropolis we know as King George, VA) were coming to spend Labor Day with us.
Thursday: Patrick got in and we ate dinner with him and caught up that night.
Friday: Since Patrick is on Army time, he had ran 80 miles and blown up a few things before Jenna and I even woke up. We got ready for the Schuberts arrival and then all ate Jenna's SPAGHETTI....which is equivalent to Disney World in your mouth.

Saturday we all hung out and went to Raleigh to watch the Clemson game at the Triangle Clemson was a reunion with a bunch of pals!
Sunday we all went to church at Christ Community and then came home, enjoyed some Cosby Show and went to SCOTT & ALISON'S WEDDING in Cary.
Monday all my friends had to go back home....and Jenna applied for a part-time job...
We then worked on support throughout the week while battling colds (not swine flu...colds) and then headed to West End for the weekend to meet with people.
We got a chance to hang out with 2 couples from Culdee Presbyterian Church on Saturday night and we ate dinner and get to know them better--good times!
Sunday we got the opportunity to share with Culdee Presbyterian about what we do with Campus Crusade, thank them for their support and prayers, and also talk to the youth that night. It was great spending time with Jenna's family and sharing updates about what God is doing through our ministry.
Please keep praying that God raises up our financial support quickly in order to report to the Office Full-time! We are at 50%--so praise God for that!

More to come. Jenna is probably a lot more organized with her thoughts---but again, I didn't claim to be the English major who is writing a novel...

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