So our friend Kristin inspired me today to update the blog. I love to write so it's weird that I don't share more here. The weather outside is frightful and because of that I am listening to you guessed it... Christmas music. Bobby is firmly against celebrating before Thanksgiving hits, but I can't help it. I listen to Pandora radio when I'm in the office because it's free and you can literally listen to anything you want. I typed in Christmas music first and got this new age junk by techno musicians and so then I typed in "Classic Holiday Music" and Bing Crosby sounded through my ear phones. That's more like it!! Christmas makes winter more bearable. As does engagements. Bobby and I were engaged last December and two dear friends from college are recently betrothed (Laura Fletcher to John Stevenson and Elizabeth Cherry to Graham Alexander). Their married names will sound so distinguished. I know they will be beautiful brides.
Big news on the street:- God knows what we need and he provides for us.
I know this shouldn't be such a shocker to me considering that he has given us everything we need for life and godliness since day 1, but a blessing on Sunday hammered it home. We took Bobby's 96 Explorer out to Colorado this summer where I joined staff. We drove (and drived and drove and drived) all the way out there and all the way back and got home to Apex on a Saturday night. Sunday we purposed to go to the grocery store and only there. We got in the car and cranked her up and she gave out completely. Wouldn't even start for us. We actually died laughing, because we knew how much the car had been through in the cross country jaunt. We prayed for it to get us home from Colorado, not for it to get us to the store. So we counted our blessings that we weren't stuck in middle of nowhere, Kansas. The following weeks were filled with many trips to Apex Auto (honest, dependable service) and we just couldn't afford to keep fixing it. So we sold it. And we were down to one car between the two of us. We would get another one when we could afford to make payments (ie when we were done with support). Then the unexpected happened...
A couple on our team called and said they'd found a really great deal on a car and wanted to bless us with it! They gave us a car! I couldn't believe it. My response before the Lord was just to cry and be amazed. Bobby had more composure as usual, but was equally floored by God's generosity and these friends love for us. They met a real need we had and God got so much glory from it. I'll post a pic once it gets here on Sunday. (Bobby's parents are driving it to Winston and we'll go pick it up then).
So thanks Forresters and most importantly Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
And.... Merry Christmas from Bing.
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